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About Me

Hello, I’m Kimberly (she/her), I live in Wickford, Essex with my husband and two daughters who were both born at home in 2016 and 2018. After the birth of my eldest daughter, I decided to have a career change (having spent several years commuting to London in corporate roles) and trained as a hypnobirthing teacher. I thoroughly enjoy sharing information and techniques that support the physiology of childbirth and create a calm, relaxed and informed experience. I often see people’s mindsets around birth changing with the education I give. As I have supported more families in their antenatal education and preparations I have come to see and feel the need to provide further ongoing support. 


Becoming a doula has been an organic progression from teaching antenatal classes, not only because I see so much joy in supporting women and birthing people in their perinatal periods but because I am a nurturer. I offer wholesome support because I want families to thrive in their transition to parenthood. To feel strong and informed in their choices, wholly supported, loved and cared for. Being alongside pregnant women and birthing people and their partners throughout their pregnancy, birth and early stages of parenthood is a privilege to me. 

I am experienced in all types of birth support; homebirth, water birth, hospital births both 'low' and 'high' risk, cesarean both planned and 'in labour/emergency' as well as various family dynamics e.g solo parents and neurodiverse parents. I pride myself in advocating for everyone in all situations. 

Kimberly the birth doula UK a white woman with brown hair smiling

When I am not doing pregnancy and birth related things or parenting, you will most likely find me in the kitchen. I am a feeder and I love to cook and bake. If we meet antenatally it is highly likely there will be some homemade treats on offer, and postnatally there will most definitely be food involved! I like to try my hand at various crafts and enjoy creating from blankets to macrame, anything goes. I'm a Libra which I think lends very well to the balanced view I take on life . I usually have a cappuccino or G&T in hand, depending on where we are in the day and my on call pattern.  I am a novice gardener - it would seem I am great with aloe vera plants and average with most other things.  I am also a member of the ‘owned by a cat’ club, two in fact – Sooty and Patch. I was born in Spain and come from Scottish heritage which I am very proud of. 


So that’s me in a nutshell.  You’ll come to know more about me when you choose me as your doula!

Continuous Growth

I am dedicated to driving positive changes in the local Maternity Services to improve your experiences. In 2021 I was appointed as one of the Co-Chairs for the Mid and South Essex Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership. I spent two years in this role facilitating service users voices being used as cornerstones for service improvements. This gives me an insight into what the maternity services are doing and also what support is needed within the pregnant community. Meaning I can help you navigate the system to your best advantage. 


I enjoy learning and make every effort to continuously update my personal skillsets, professional education and experience. I am grateful to have studied with Leila Baker, completing the Side By Side Doula Preparation Course with her in 2020. I am a recognised birth doula with Doula UK and I am currently working through the mentoring program for postnatal doula recognition, as well as being their volunteer Access Fund Coordinator. I also proudly volunteer with Doulas Without Borders because I believe all women and birthing people deserve access to a doula regardless of their life circumstances.

Kimberly The Birth Doula UK  writing notes in a garden

Courses and events I have attended are noted below;

  • Baby Wearing peer supporter, Born to Carry 2024

  • Paediatric First Aid - St John Ambulance, 2024

  • Birthing Biomechanics (incl. Rebozo) - Shellie Poulter, 2024

  • Breastfeeding Peer Support (UNICEF) - Bump to Breast, ABSS 2024

  • First Aid for Childbirth Emergencies - Joy Horner, 2023

  • Acupressure & Moxibustion for Childbirth - Loredana Zordan, 2023

  • Safer Beginnings Conference - Best Beginnings & The White Ribbon Alliance, 2023

  • Maternity & Neonatal Service User Voice Summit - NHS England, 2023

  • Designing peer support for black parents & other minority groups in Essex - Parents 1st, 2022

  • Human Rights in Maternity Care: Supporting Informed Consent and Choice - Birthrights, 2022

  • Doula UK Annual Conference, 2024, 2023 & 2022

  • Rebozo for an easier birth workshop - Association of Radical Midwives, 2022

  • Homeopathy for Doulas - Elaine Goode, 2021

  • Trauma Informed Care for Birth - Make Birth Better, 2021

  • 10 oils: aromatherapy oils for the childbearing year workshop - Nicola Mahdiyyah Goodall, 2021

  • LGBT+ Competency Workshop – The Queer Birth Club, 2020

  • Gathering in the Knowledge – Sara Wickham, 2020

  • Better Births 4 Years On conference  – National Maternity Voices Partnership, 2020

  • 6th Annual Birth Trauma Summit – Make Birth Better, 2020

  • Cultural Competency Workshop – Approachable Parenting, 2020

I also have a full UK driving license, Public Liability & Professional Indemnity insurance, and an enhanced DBS certificate - should you wish to check these credential I am happy to provide the certifications. 

Side by Side doula training
Doula UK
Mid South Essex Maternity Voices Partnership
The Queer Birth Club LGBTQ+ ally
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